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Principal's Message

Welcome to Glade Creek Elementary School. I am excited and passionate about beginning my new role here as the new principal at Glade Creek School. I feel very fortunate to be chosen to lead a distinguished school with amazing students, fantastic and dedicated staff, and supportive parents.  It is our vision that our school offers a positive and safe place for all students to learn and grow. We are committed to providing the best possible education while making it fun and enjoyable for all.  Students are the focus here and they are what inspires us to be our very best for them. Each student here at Glade is valued and loved.  

As we continue through this 2023-2024 school year, I encourage you to be an active participant in your child’s learning process.  Research shows that parent involvement is important for a student’s success in school. This can take place by getting your child to school and to school on time, reading to your child, being present to assist with homework if needed, and supporting your child’s teacher. 

In closing, our school is the center and heart of this community.  I believe that the relationships built here at Glade Creek last a lifetime. I look forward to my new adventure as principal and celebrating the many successes that the future holds for Glade. Thank you for being a part of something special here at Glade.


Heather C. Brannock
Glade Creek School Principal
Phone: (336) 657-3388